5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees

Everyone wants to live fit and fine. But due to aging or fattiness you feel sometimes unhealthy and the main problem is that your knees are paining most while standing or sitting. Are you suffering from the knees pain problem? Do you need some tips to remove your knee pain? If yes, then there are some best exercises to strengthen your knees muscles that support and make them flexible. It takes some time but beneficial for you. Due to these exercises not only your knee problem in fact overall body will maintain fit and healthy. It strengthens your knees, hips and glutes. So many types of exercises help you to stabilize your knees like lateral walks, bridges, lateral leg raises, monster walks and clamshells or many others. Just keep exercise daily to live fit. Here 5 exercises to strengthen your knees.

5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees

5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees:

  1. One Leg Balance:

Exercises to strengthen your knees

This is the best exercise for you. Joint pain in the knee is really common mainly for older adults or person who had an injury in the past. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of your knee as you walk or bend.

  • One leg balance is straightforward.
  • Standing with your feet just takes care slightly less than shoulder-width apart.
  • Shift your weight on the one foot without locking the knee joint.
  • Lift your opposite leg and hold the position for 30 seconds.
  1. Double Leg Bridge:

Exercises to strengthen your knees

This is the one of the best exercises to strengthen your knees.

  • Lie on your back with your knees twisted, about hip width distant and your arms at your sides.
  • Focus on your pelvis; breathe out as you raise your hips off the ground. Hold for a second and free back down to the floor.
  • Repeat this exercise 15-20 times for 3 sets.
  1. Butt Builder:

Exercises to strengthen your knees

This is the best exercise to recover the knee pain. You can do this exercise at your home also. You can definitely become alright.  To stay fit and healthy you always have to do exercises on regular basis.

  • Hinge forward at hips, hands on the wall.
  • Raise your left leg back without moving the hips. Hold for a minute.
  • Then switch legs.
  • Do this 3-5 times with each leg slowly.

This is very beneficial for you and gives you 100% result.

  1. The Step mill:

Exercises to strengthen your knees

It is one of the exercises to strengthen your knees. The step mill exercise is same as cardio. It is very beneficial for you to recover the pain of your joints. To get a good result you should carry on this exercise daily on a regular basis.

  • The moving staircase is available at some gyms.
  • It is not so easy on the joints but gives a best result to overcome the knee pain.
  • Do this exercise 15-30 minutes two or three times in a week.

By this you also lose your overweight and your body comes in a shape. It burns your calories also. Do it regularly.

  1. Dumbbell Step Ups:

Exercises to strengthen your knees

This exercise is very beneficial to get rid from the knee pain. This also helps you to burn your calories and overweight.

  • You take the dumbbells then put it on your shoulders in a high bar spot.
  • After this step up on a bench with only one leg.
  • Then bring the other leg on a bench all the way into 90-degree angle.
  • Stepping up down to floor with 90-degree angle leg.
  • Then switching legs the subsequently time you step up.

It gives you the 100% result. Do this daily to get the best outcome.

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