15 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Corn and Calluses

When the skin is exposed to excessive pressure or friction that result a small circles of hard skin that is called Corns. It is often developed on the feet, especially on the tops and sides of the toes. It may also develop on other body sides. The most common causes of corns in the feet are walking or running in ill- shoes. Standing for long period of time in tight shoes or high heels is also count in major causes.  Other possible cause is walking or running in naked feet or wearing shoes without socks. Diabetes and poor blood flow can also cause corn and calluses.

Usually, simply elimination the source of friction or pressure that allows the corns and calluses. There are many medicines as well as lotion available in market that can help to treat them. But we recommend you some Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Corn and Calluses. Here we compiled best home remedies to cure of feet corn and calluses. Let’s see.

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

15 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Corn and Calluses:

1. Punic Stone : –

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

First of all, Sock your feet in comfortably warm water for 10 minute and let soften feet skin. Gently rub a Punic stone on corns and calluses nearly area. Massaging the corn with Punic stone is an effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Corn and Calluses.

2. White Vinegar:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Use of white vinegar is another excellent trusted home remedies for corn in feet. High acidic level of white vinegar solution can help you to soften the hard corn skin.

3. Baking Soda: –

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Baking soda can so easily home available remedy that will get rid the dead skins. You can use this remedy once in day.

4. Lemon:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The acidic properties of lemon will help you so much to get rid of corns and calluses skins. Lemon is herbal Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn.

5. Garlic:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Garlic is natural antioxidant and hence that will also helpful to treatment of corn. The antibacterial properties of garlic can also help to prevent infection.

6. Turpentine Oil:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Turpentine oil is quickly penetrates in the corns skin areas, so that improve healing time faster. This oil is so strong antiseptic Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Corn.

 7. Chamomile Tea and Epson Salt:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The combination of Epsom salt and chamomile tea can help in the softening and also loosing dead skin cell. The topmost layer of the calluses can also be removed by used of Punic stone.

8. Pineapple:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The pineapple is most amazing medical exotic fruit. It is use to treat corn and calluses skin.

9. Papaya:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Papaya is so widely used for natural cure of Home Remedies to Get Rid of Corn and skin care.

10. Licorice:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Licorice is the most functional foot corn remedies that show amazing result. It has not any side effect in the long run.

11. Castor Oil:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

Pure and cold pressed castor oil is the natural functional Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn and Calluses.

12. Turmeric :-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The medical properties of turmeric are used for various treatments of skin diseases. The anti inflammatory nature of turmeric can also speed up the healing process and at same time reduced the pain and discomfort caused by corns.

  13. Tea tree essential oils:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The pure tea tree oil has so many properties of antibacterial an anti-fungal that make it famous Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foot corn and Calluses.  Tea tree essentials oils also remove the feet corn in flaking it out.

14. Trim Your Toe nails:-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

The pressure from overly long nails can push the toe joint up to rub against the top of your shoe. Keep proper trimmed your nails.

15. Wash and dry your feet Daily :-

Home remedies to get rid of Foot Corn

First of all, Keep your feet cleans and fresh. You can also apply some powder and cream to remove moisture.

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