8 Common Mistakes About Carbohydrates

As you all know that low carbohydrate diets are most effective for losing excess body fat. Do you really know what carbohydrates are and how it should be used in a balanced diet chart? Carbohydrates are the starches, sugars and fibers found in grains, fruits, milk products and vegetables. Actually, some dietitians suggest you to take low carbohydrates and other side some gave you the suggestion to take high carbohydrates. Because of this you have done some common mistakes about carbohydrates.

Well, carbohydrates play an important role in your body like healthy functioning of the immune system, fertilization, energy transportation and blood clotting. It works as a structural support for cells and their membrane, long term food storage molecules. Foods that have high starch like rice, cereals, potatoes and beans are the rich source of carbohydrates. Here 8 common mistakes about carbohydrates.

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

8 Common Mistakes About Carbohydrates:

There is the biggest confusion regarding any diet lies in the quantity of carbohydrate intake. It is important to understand that what type of carbohydrates is beneficial for your health and in what quantity. By the way there are so many misconceptions about the carbohydrate foods.

  1. Not all Carbohydrates are same:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

Many of you think that carbohydrates are harmful and that’s why they eliminate it from their diet but this is not true. It is one of the common mistakes about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are present in the packed foods made from white flour and refined sugar which you not bother. Simple carbohydrates food such as white rice, potatoes, packed fruit juices with added sugar and white bread should be consumed with limit. Because they are digested and increase the blood sugar level and insulin in the body which is not only increase the fat storage, also lead to insulin resistance.

  1. Healthy versus Unhealthy carbohydrates:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

It is very important to differentiate the healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates because there are so many problems arise due to this confusion. The complex carbohydrates are low glycemic index and take more time to be broken down and digested in an intestine. It keeps you satisfied for a longer period of time and prevents from the sudden increase in the blood sugar level. Other side unhealthy carbohydrates release less insulin by the pancreas.

  1. Not Replenishing Sodium:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

It is one of the common mistakes about carbohydrates. Due to low carbohydrate diet, your insulin level goes down and body start shedding more sodium and water along it. That’s why people get rid of more bloat within few days. Well, sodium is an important electrolyte in a body but it creates a problem when the kidneys dump too much.

  1. Eating Carbohydrates causes Weight gain:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

Well, you know proteins are essential macro nutrient and increase fat burning. If you can’t take carbohydrates with protein your body building diet plan for the mass gain is incomplete. In fact weight loss food includes both proteins and carbohydrates in your diet because protein has high thermic effect.

  1. Carbohydrates cause indigestion sometimes:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

As you take high carbohydrates you might be suffer the problem of indigestion. Actually, the problem of indigestion is due to the presence of gluten. Gluten is a kind of protein that presents in wheat, barley, rye. The symptoms are gas, stomach cramping and headaches.

  1. Carbohydrates make you sleepy and lethargic:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

Common mistakes about carbohydrates is the starch content. After eating it you feel sleepy and lethargic. But in real, glucose formed by this and then move through bloodstream and enhances the brain power. The best food sources of carbohydrates are fruits, legumes and vegetables.

  1. Too much stress:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates


Generally you think carbohydrates are not beneficial for you and your body so you should avoid this from your diet. The high amount of carbohydrates makes you impatient. If you take carbohydrates in a low amount, it promotes the release of feel good chemical serotonin which enhances your mood. It helps in depression, relieving stress and fatigue so that you feel happy and energized.

  1. Harmful for the heart:

Common mistakes about carbohydrates

Due to over eating it creates problem for your heart. But if you take a few amount of carbohydrate with protein. Then it helps you and contains both soluble and insoluble fibers which are beneficial for your health. It has low glycemic food digested in a slow pace and does not increase the blood sugar level and insulin. By this it prevents you from the reduction to the risk of stroke, heart failure and increase of LDL cholesterol.

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