Most of you are looking for the treatment of the glowing skin and healthy hair. But now you need not to be worry because we get a solution of your problem. The best way are the foods to eat for glowing skin and healthy hair. As your mother said to you that the juicy fruits and green vegetables are beneficial for your health as well as to your skin and hairs. This food contains vitamins, proteins and lot of water which is good for your skin. Glowing skin is the sign of a healthy person. You all want to attain this healthy glow but because of your busy schedules, you sometimes tend to ignore this. If you want to look smart you need to consume healthy food, which gives glow to the skin. Here are listed foods to eat for glowing skin.
15 Foods to Eat for Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair:
- Fatty Fish:
Fish is very beneficial for your glowing skin. It prevents form the signs of aging. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that help you to reduce the skin wrinkling process. This acid also found in the cell membranes on your scalp. This acid is in natural oils that maintain your scalp and hair hydrated.
- Kiwi Fruit:
Kiwi is one of the foods to eat for glowing skin. It is an anti-oxidant which is very essential for the glowing skin and healthy hairs. It is full of Vitamin C which is crucial for the production of collagen. Collagen is the elastic tissues i.e. in your skin.
- Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are beneficial for your skincare and protect you from the sun damage. It has high anti-oxidant content. This is very effective really if you can eat any tomato based food can improve your skin complexion. Tomatoes protect you from the pollution, sun damage and improve overall skin ton.
- Coconut:
Coconut is one of the foods to eat for glowing skin. It is the natural nutrients which is very essential for your hairs. Coconut oil has Vitamin E and K and minerals and rich in healthy fats. This oils is useful to boosts your hair growth; also by this you get a shiny hairs.
5. Eggs:
Eggs are very beneficial for your healthy hairs. Most of the people love to eat eggs in the morning breakfast. Sulphur is one of the ingredients in eggs which are used in the production of keratin and collagen. Both keratin and collagen maintain your glowing skin and healthy hair.
- Garlic:
Garlic is one of the foods to eat for glowing skin. It is used as a nature’s best medicine. Garlic helps to maintain your skin clear. This is one of the natural anti-biotic compounds. It is also useful for your health.
- Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin Seeds contains vitamin A and K, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. These all are very effective to build healthy and shiny hair. It is rich in vitamin C and fatty acids which is essential to repair your skin.
8. Pineapple:
Pineapple is the best foods to eat for glowing skin. This juicy fruit contains vitamin C and bromelain         enzyme i.e. skin softener. It also gives energy to your body. You get a youthful appearance with amino acid and vitamin C.
- Oats:
Oats are essential for your fair skin and healthy hairs. It have high amount of magnesium, zinc, biotin and potassium. Oats are also good for the healthy body. It is so easy to make. The natural nutrients of oats are useful for the hair growth.
- Walnuts:
Walnuts contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which is useful to your skin and hair. Because of these fatty acids your hairs become shiny and healthy. The protein content in the walnuts makes your hair stronger and fuller and also boosts hair follicles.
- Collard Greens:
Collard greens are one of the foods to eat for glowing skin. Green vegetables are good for your health. It is high in vitamin C and an anti-oxidant which is useful for your hairs. It strengthens your hair as well as good for your skin.
- Oysters:
Oysters are more beneficial for your skin, nails and hair. Dietary zinc is available in this which is essential for the growth of skin cells. You can take it daily, it gives the best result. Oysters boost your hair growth and make your skin fair.
- Pomegranate:
Pomegranates are one of the foods to eat for glowing skin. It is an anti-oxidant which is very beneficial for your healthy hair and fair skin. This fruit has special status in fruit’s community. It is one of the juicy fruit i.e. also useful for your health.
- Avocado Oil:
Avacado is beneficial for the healthy hair and glowing skin. It contains omega-9 fatty acids and vitamin A, D and E. This is one of the building blocks of the healthy skin. Massage it daily it improves your body skin tone.
15. Spinach:
Spinach gives you strength and acts as an anti-ager. It contains anti-aging vitamin A. It helps to remove dead skin and prevent wrinkles. Take it daily it gives you a better and fairer skin tone. With the use of it you feel confident.