14 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep in the Refrigerator

Well, it is quiet natural for all of us to protect the food that we purchase. With that thing in the mind, we always think that the best way to do that is putting them in the refrigerator. However, there is some food which should never be placed in the fridge. Many of us actually store some of the food mentioned below in the fridge, whereas they are really best kept on the Kitchen counter. Some foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator needs to be maintained at cold temperature to prevent growth of bacteria that make food spoil or can make people sick. Refrigerator should be kept at 40 for lower, freezers should be set to 0 F. But when Refrigerator is sufficient cold, the temperature will vary in different parts of the fridge. Here we have listed out 14 foods you should not keep in the refrigerator.

14 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep in the Refrigerator

14 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep in the Refrigerator:

  1. Bread:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

It is perfectly fine to freeze bread but keeping it in the fridge causes it to dry faster. And you end up ending dry bread. Instead keep what you will eat with in four days  at room temperature, freeze the rest.

  1. Onion:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Store unpeeled onion in a cool, dry, well ventilated location. Various ways to store onions is in a paper bag in a cool, away from potatoes. Potatoes tend to release moisture , gases that can cause onions to rot. They soften; impart an oniony scent on nearby foods. The moisture of the fridge softens the onions.

  1. Tomato:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Tomatoes are stored in the fridge, and then they stare to lose their flavour. Keep them on the counter out of the plastic bag. Now various methods available to store the tomatoes in the fridge.If you want them to ripen faster, keep them on the counter in a proper bag.

  1. Apple:


Refrigerating fresh apples will affect their taste and texture over time, Therefore, they can be stored them on the counter if you intend to eat them within a week or two. Tin order to keep them longer, you need to refrigerate them.

  1. Honey:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

The Ontario Beekeepers’ Association says that honey should be kept in a tightly closed container at room temperature in a dry place.  Sugar keeps any spoiling microorganisms at bay. Refrigerating it can cause crystallization, making it hard to spread. You can store in cupboard for an indefinite period of time.


  1. Coffee:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Coffee needs airtight containers and a cool, dry and dark spot to retain their flavour, freshness. You need to wrap freeze large amounts that won’t be used immediately. Then, you can wrap it in airtight bags or store it for up to a month in the freezer.

  1. Garlic:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

It likes to go off pretty quickly in the fridge; it will grow mold or go rubbery-soft when put into the fridge. What makes it worse is that the look on the outside rarely changes, so we will never be able to tell until we decide to slice some up to fry up with our chili.

  1. Melon:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Melon mostly advised to store any melon fruit in the fridge once it is  been cut open;  until then, we should leave the fruit outside the fridge. There has been research to show that keeping melon out in room temperature will actually help with keeping the antioxidant levels intact.

  1. Fresh Herbs:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

You wrap them up tightly, put them in an air-tight container; we should not refrigerate the herbs. Fresh herbs like coffee that they love to smells around them, making them impossible to return to the original flavour. You also like to lose flavour, go dry in the fridge quickly, so unless we plan to wrap them up; it’s wise to keep them outside in the open or away from strong odors.

  1. Nuts:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Nuts can be stored in a cool or if you buy bulk nuts, refrigerate them to increase their life shelf.

  1. Spices:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Ground spices do not need to be refrigerated. Store them in airtight containers in cool dry places. The airtight containers will protect them from moisture.

  1. Peanut butter:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

You do not need to refrigerate an opened jar of commercially manufactured butter. Then you just store it in a dark place at normal room temperature; it will last for about 5 months. Refrigerating it extend shelf life to additional few months. As for natural homemade peanut butter, if you plan to consume it within a month or so, you don’t need to refrigerate it, but keep it in cool place.

  1. Avocado:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Unripe avocados should be left at room temperature. Once they are ripe, we don’t want to eat them right away, keep them in the fridge.  Healthy reasons to eat avocado what to do with the pit.

  1. Melon and Watermelon:

14 foods you shouldn’t keep in the refrigerator

Water melon perfect summer food. Watermelon are Delicious Whole melons, watermelons have the best flavour when kept on the counter at room temperature. Once they are cut, store in the fridge.



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