Top 10 Healthy Juices and Smoothies to Lose Weight

Are you health conscious? If your answer is yes, you have reached at right place. Healthy juices are very beneficial for good health. Healthy juices helps you to reduce your over weight. You can stay healthy and fit by drinking healthy juices or smoothies.

Juices and smoothies help you in Weight loss by boosting metabolism. And some vegetables and fruits also help in rising cardiovascular health and lower the level of cholesterol in blood. Fruits and vegetables contain high antioxidants and fibre that help in reducing the risk of cancer. So, you should to drink Healthy Juices and Smoothies to lose weight. Here, We like to share top 10 Healthy juices and Smoothies to Lose Weight to stay fit and healthy.

Top 10 Healthy Juices and Smoothies to Lose Weight

Top 10 Healthy Juices and Smoothies to Lose Weight

1. Cucumber and kiwi:

cucumber and kiwi

Cucumber and kiwi are very good smoothies for weight loss. They both contain antioxidants, minerals, vitamins that is very beneficial for health. They both are perfect smoothies to lose weight.

Ingredients:  1 cucumber, 2 kiwi, lime, mint leaves

How to make cucumber and kiwi smoothie: Chop the kiwi and cucumber, pour it to grander, add ½ lime and few mint leaves. Mix well and drink the juice of green smoothies.

2. Pine apple

Pine apple

Pine apple fruit is very effective to weight lose. It contains a high fibre, water content that helps in reducing your weight.

Ingredients: 1 Pine apple, 1 cucumber, spinach 1 cup

How to make pine apple smoothie: chop pine apple, cucumber, spinach. Pour this mixture in grander.  Add ½ cup of water in it. Mix well. And enjoy the juice.

3. Cucumber, celery and Apple

Cucumber, celery and Apple

Cucumber and apple both are the source of high fibre and Vitamins that is very efficient for health. A combination of cucumber, cherry, and apple helps you to reducing your weight.

Ingredients:  1 Cucumber, 1 Apples, Celery

How to make juice smoothie: cut the celery Stalks into small size, also cut the cucumber as well. Now put the all ingredients in food processor and add ½ cup water to it. Mix well to smooth paste. Now drink a mixture of healthy smoothies.

 4. Cucumber and pine apple

Cucumber and pine apple

Cucumber is a vegetable that can be used is some fruits such as pine apple celery, and kiwi as well. It is very god source of fibre. You can stay fit and fine by drinking the combination of cucumber and pine apple. They both helps you to reduce you weight.

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 1 pine apple, 1 cup spinach.

How to make smoothie: chop pine apple, cucumber, spinach. Pour this mixture in grander.  Add ½ cup of water in it. Mix well. And enjoy the juice.

5. Bell pepper and apple:

Bell pepper and apple

you must have heard about bell paper. It is a natural remedy for weight loss. Apples are also very low in fat and good for health as well. You can drink the mixture of bell paper and apple to stay healthy and fit.

Ingredients:  1 red apple, 1 red bell pepper 1 table spoon lemon juice,1/2 inch ginger

How to make bell paper and apple smoothie: Cut the bell pepper and the apple. Add it in a blender, add the lemon juice and blend all the ingredients with 1/2 cup water for 3 minutes, put the juice in a glass and enjoy the tasty smmothie

6. Cherry Smooties:

cherry smooties

Cherries are fat free fruit that helps you to lose your weight. But keep in mind that it contains 100 calories per cup. So take limited cherry in your daily routine that helps to stop inflammation. Cheery also helps to reduce muscle pain after your work outs.

7. Orange


Orange is one of the best fruit that is loaded with energy, nutrients and vitamins that helps you in your weight loss. It contains potassium, calcium and fibre which help you to maintain your body weight.

Ingredients:  2 oranges, ½ teaspoon honey,  1 table spoon ginger, pinch of clove powder, 1 table spoon cinnamon.

How to make orange juice smoothie: cut the oranges into 4 quarters and take out seeds from the oranges. Add all the ingredients into blender. And blend well this mixture. Now, drink this fresh juice

8. Bitter Melon Juice:

Bitter Melon Juice

Bitter melon juice is very beneficial for health and weight loss as well. It contains lots of nutrients and acid which are very good for healthy health. Most of the people love to drink bitter melon juice because it is very good in taste.

Ingredients: 1 bitter melon, 1pine apple, 2 table spoon lemon juice, 2 celery sticks.

How to make smoothie: cut the bitter melon and remove the seeds from bitter milon.  Remove skin of the pine apple. Add all the ingredients in grander. And enjoy the juice.

9. Spinach coconut

spinach coconut

Spinach coconut is very source of Omega fat 6. It contains lots of nutrients that are very essential for health. You can drink spinach coconut smoothies in the morning to reduce your weight.

Ingredients: 1 cup coconut water, ½ cup spinach, ½ cucumber, 3 table spoon mint, and ½ table spoon avocado.

How to make spinach coconut smoothieWash mint, pear, avocado and cucumber. Add coconut water and ice to the blender. Slice avocado in half and scoop out flesh from one-half into a blender. Add ½ table spoon maple syrup, cucumber, mint, spinach, pear, ice and salt to blender. Now enjoy your drink.

10. Carrot and strawberry smoothie:

Carrot and strawberry smoothie

Carrot and Graspfruit: Carrot and Grasp fruit smoothies are very good for diet. It helps you to maintain your health and weight as well. Both have a source of nutrients and vitamin that helps to stay healthy and fit. You can drink carrot and grasp fruit juice early in the morning for better health

Ingredients:  3 carrots, 3 cup water, 4 cup graspfruit juice, ½ table spoon honey,  and ½ table spoon ginger.

How to make carrot Grasp fruit smoothie: cut the carrots into small pieace and ½ cup water in it boil water and carrot for 10 minutes. Drain well, puree carrots and reserved 1/4 cup  liquid in blender. Add grapefruit juice, honey, ginger and the remaining water. Grande well these mixture. Pour into chilled glasses to serve.

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