Top 20 Home Remedies and Lifestyle Tips to Cure Snoring or Sleep Apnea

Snoring or sleep apnea is described as a sleeping disorder in which breathing pauses for a few seconds during sleep. Commonly a loud sound of snoring comes out from the nostril when the person is in deep sleep. This sound irritates those persons who are not sleeping at that time. As you see snoring is a very common disorder among humans. It happens due to many reasons, so, to overcome this issue there are best home remedies given below. There are 3 types of snoring or sleep apnea that is obstructive, central and the combination of both. Here we are going to discuss about the top 20 home remedies and lifestyle tips to cure snoring or sleep apnea.

Top 20 Home Remedies and Lifestyle Tips to Cure Snoring or Sleep Apnea

Top 20 Home Remedies and Lifestyle Tips to Cure Snoring or Sleep Apnea:-

Home Remedies:              

  • Peppermint:

snoring or sleep apnea

Peppermint helps to reduce the swelling of membranes in the lining of throat or nostrils to make a smooth breathing. Just add 2 drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water a gargle with it. Do it for few days to get desired results.

  •  Cardamom:

snoring or sleep apnea

Cardamom is also an effective home remedy for snoring or sleep apnea. Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it 30 minutes before sleeping.

  • Clarified Butter:

snoring or sleep apnea

Clarified butter is also known as ghee in common language. It can open up blocked nasal passage by putting 2 or 3 drops of lukewarm ghee in each nostril. Do it before sleeping and after waking up.

  • Steam Inhaling:

snoring or sleep apnea

Inhaling steam is also an effective way to cure snoring or sleep apnea. Pour hot boiling water in a large vessel and put 5 drops of eucalyptus oil in it. Now cover your head with towel and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes.

  • Turmeric:

snoring or sleep apnea

Turmeric is a powerful antibiotic agent as well as can reduce heavy snoring also. Add 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder in warm milk and drink 30 minutes before sleep.

  • Nettle:

snoring or sleep apnea

Temporary snoring or sleep apnea can be cured by nettle. If snoring is caused by a seasonal allergy then nettle can cure it. Add 1 tablespoon of nettle leaves in boiling water. Allow them to steep for 5 minutes. Then drain out and drink it before sleeping.

  •  Garlic:

snoring or sleep apnea

Garlic reduces inflammation in respiration system and opens the nasal passage. Chew a raw garlic clove and drink a glass of water over it. It will reduce the snoring.

  • Honey:

snoring or sleep apnea

Honey is another option as a home remedy to cure snoring or sleep apnea. Mix one tablespoon of honey in warm water and drink it before going to sleep.

  • Chamomile:

snoring or sleep apnea

It has anti inflammatory properties to stop snoring. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then drain out the flowers and add a spoon of honey to it. Drink it before sleeping.

  • Olive oil:

snoring or sleep apnea

It is a strong anti inflammatory agent which reduces swelling of throat. Take 2 sips of olive oil before sleeping may reduce the disorder of snoring or sleep apnea.


Lifestyle tips:

  • Change your sleep position:

snoring or sleep apnea

First you can recline the bed with the head up and extended, which opens up air passage and can help to prevent from snoring.

  •  Body pillow:

snoring or sleep apnea

A full length body pillow that supports your entire body enables you to sleep one side. This position may help to prevent from snoring or sleep apnea.

  • Lose weight:

snoring or sleep apnea

If you are heavy weight and started snoring after gaining the weight then losing weight can help you from snoring. Gained weight around neck squeezes the internal diameter of throat which causes apnea.

  • Hygienic sleeping:

snoring or sleep apnea

Working for long hours without sleeping makes you restless. So when you sleep after a long time then the muscles become floppier which cause snoring or sleep apnea. So a regular sleep is essential.

  • Avoid alcohol:

snoring or sleep apnea

Drinking alcohol before sleeping makes your throat muscles restless. Alcohol must be avoided before sleeping to prevent from annoying sound of snoring.

  • Open nasal passage:


First of all, a hot shower before going to bed can open the nasal passage. It allows air to pass smoothly through nostril while sleeping.

  •  Change pillow:

snoring or sleep apnea

Allergy agents of your room or pillow are also proved as snoring or sleep apnea causes. Your pillow contains dust and germs in it which cause allergy. So change it or wash it regularly.

  • Stay hydrated:

snoring or sleep apnea

Your body must be hydrated to avoid snoring or sleep apnea. Drink plenty of water because dehydration causes your nose plate’s sticker which may create annoying sound.

  • Quit smoking:

snoring or sleep apnea

Smoking irritates the membrane of nose and throat which blocks airways and cause snoring. So, the smoking should be reduced to prevent from snoring or sleep apnea disorder.

  • Try anti snoring mouth appliance:

snoring or sleep apnea

First of all, this device resembles as an athlete’s mouth guard and helps you to open airway by bringing your lower jaw and tongue forward during sleep.

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