How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Are you using commercial hand sanitizer? It is not good for your hands as it contains dry alcohol and many other compounds like triclosan. Hand Sanitizer is basically an alternative which can be used instead of washing your hands with the soap. It is essential to prevent you from bacteria, influenza, cold and food borne illness. Commercial hand sanitizer contains toxic compounds. Which is someway harmful to your body .

You definitely perform all the activities like  eating food, shaking hands with other person etc. In your daily life , that causes germs and bacteria in your hand which is not visible to you. To  prevent yourself from the harmful diseases, you must  start using natural home made hand sanitizer. There are various types of hand sanitizers that are available in the market like alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds and and triclosan.

Natural Homemade Sanitizer is a mixture of essential oils. Benefit  of using natural hand homemade sanitizer is that it treats well with the germs that are present on your hand and it does not contain harmful compounds. Here, I would like to share the tips that how to make natural homemade hand Sanitizer.

How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer:


INGREDIENTS :-  Oils like Lavender oil , Tea tree oil & Vitamin E oil , vodka, aloevera gel 

Aloe Vera gel: It is one of the best natural moisturizer that makes your skin smooth and soft.

Vodka : Most of people keep it in their bathroom and use it as a sanitizer.

Vitamin E oil: Vitamin oil is very special product that contains nutrients. You can apply it on your face, hands, body ,hair, lips etc.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is the oil that you can apply to the  skin  to prevent from infections and acne problem.

Lavender oil: Lavender oil has very good properties like anti fungal, inflammatory etc. and you can use it as an ingredient to make natural home made sanitizer.

How to make:

  • Take a bowl and add 3 table spoon of Aloe Vera gel, 2 table spoon vodka, half table spoon Vitamin E oil,16 drops of Tea Tree oil and 6 drops of Lavender Oil.
  • Mix the above ingredients well.
  • Store it in a reusable salon tube.
  • Home made sanitizer is ready, you can use it to wash your hand according to your need.

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