10 Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

To maintain a good oral hygiene, most of the people often use toothpaste. Brushing your teeth two times in a day is really a good oral hygiene. But Do you know it may contain some harmful ingredients such as artificial sweeteners and sodium titanium dioxide? These harmful ingredients are not good for your health. Therefore, people are looking for some of the best and natural alternatives to toothpaste. Surprisingly, there are some natural and inexpensive ingredients are available which can be used as a replacement of toothpaste. You can use these ingredients on regular basis to keep your teeth white and shiny for years.

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

Some harmful ingredients that affect your health are described below:-

  • Titanium Dioxide: – This ingredient contains nano-sized particles of titanium dioxide that may cause toxic damage in your body.
  • Glycerin: – This ingredient is always found in every toothpaste that is available in the markets even they are natural. This will provide pasty texture to the toothpaste and leave a coating on your teeth’s.
  • Fluoride: – This ingredient actually toxic the body and it may cause some acne breakouts around the mouth. Nowadays, fluoride free toothpaste has become very common.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: – artificial sweeteners are naturally used in every toothpaste to make their taste sweet. It may be like saccharin and sorbitol.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate: – This will give you foaming and cleaning action that we all expect from the toothpaste.

Feeling amazed to know about all these ingredients and their side effects? So, if you are concerned for your health to replace your toothpaste with Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste that are discussed below.

10 Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste:-

  1. Baking Soda: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

Baking soda is useful in many homemade toothpaste recipes. This is most popular and very common Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste. You can use it by dipping your toothbrush direct into the baking soda or you can use it with the solution of baking soda and water.


  1. Coconut oil: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is one more natural ingredient to clean your teeth’s. You can mix it with sea salt and baking soda. This oil contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that will help to control bacteria’s in your mouth.


  1. Dry Brushing: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This way of brushing is basically used to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth. But this will not give you minty fresh taste that will provide by commercial kinds of toothpaste.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is also a very common ingredient that helps in teeth whitening and Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste. You can also use it with some other ingredients like baking soda and sea salt. You can use it by dipping your toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide, but avoid using it every day.


  1. Oil pulling: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is an Ayurvedic method used to prevent tooth decay and helps for treating bad breath. In involves seed oil, Swishing oil and coconut oil too. You just need to round this oil in your mouth for 10 – 15 minutes that will help to kill bacteria.


  1. Natural soap: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is also beneficial to clean your teeth and Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste. There are some totally natural brands of soaps are available in the market that is specifically designed for teeth cleaning.

  1. Plain water: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is one of the oldest ways to brush your teeth with plain water. This process doesn’t cover up your odor but helpful to remove food particles from your teeth’s.


  1. Herbal tooth powder: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

These herbal tooth powders are available to protect your teeth from cavities and clean your teeth. These powders use the mixture of natural herbs, aloe Vera resin etc.

  1. Essential oils: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

These essential oils help to give you flavor and also have anti-bacterial properties that fight with infections and prevents your teeth from side effects or bacteria’s.


  1. Sea salt: –

Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste

This is an often used as Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste. Sea salt is basically use to kill bacteria from your mouth and also help to strengthen your teeth. You can use it by dipping a toothbrush into it same as described for baking soda.

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