Top 10 Natural Foods that Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is bone disease in which bones become more brittle because of the rapidly lose density or decrease the bones quality. Women above the age of 40-45 get osteoporosis more often than men.

There are various factors that can lead Osteoporosis such as body size, age, deficiency, of Vitamins and calcium, smoking drinking and family history as well. Because, if a family member has osteoporosis or breaks a bone, there is a greater chance that you will too.

Symptoms are like Erosion of the bones excruciating pain at the location of the fracture, Lower back pain, and stress fracture.

Top 10 Natural Foods that Prevent Osteoporosis

You can keep you bones healthy by eating healthy foods. Healthy foods like Vitamin rich foods, Calcium rich foods, Protein rich foods and Phosphorous rich foods are very good diet to prevent Osteoporosis disease. Here we have described Top 10 Natural Foods that Prevent Osteoporosis.

Top 10 Natural Foods that Prevent Osteoporosis

1. Yogurt (type of dairy products)


Yogurt is type of diary product foods such as nuts, seeds and peas. It contains calcium and Protein which helps to prevent Osteoporosis and it also boost your immune power. we can also say that yogurt and cheese are the best natural Foods that Prevent Osteoporosis.

2. Milk :


As we know that milk is very good source of calcium, protein, fat and carbohydrates. These all nutrients are very essential for our body and bones as well. Milk helps to keep your bones healthy and strong and prevent Osteoporosis.

3. Eggs to prevent Osteoporosis:


Eggs are very beneficial for healthy bones. You should eat eggs daily because eggs are very good source of vitamin D, calcium, and protein. You can easily get rid from Osteoporosis disease by start eating eggs daily.

4. Cabbage :


Cabbage is one of the best Natural Foods to Prevent Osteoporosis. It is very good source of vitamins, Calcium, and phosphorus. You can keep your bones healthy by eating cabbage. It also contains magnesium that helps to regulate the development of bone structures.

5. Fish for healthy diet:


Fish contains lots of nutrients such as fats, protein, and calcium that help to get rid for Osteoporosis disease. It is also very good food for much disease such as cancer, asthma, diabetes and many more.

6. Almond and almond oil:


Almond is god source of vitamins, copper, riboflavin and minerals these nutrients are very essential to keep your bones healthy and strong and increase bones density.

7. Bananas:


Well, Banana is very effective food that loaded with Vitamin A, C and E, natural oils, carbohydrates, potassium, zinc and iron. Banana is also very good source of magnesium that helps to develop the bone structures.

8. Peas :



Peas is very good source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin, and fibre. These nutrients are very necessary for our body. Peas is very good food for Osteoporosis disease. Peas also help in , weight loss, control blood sugar and also cure you from heart disease.

9. Beans for healthy bones:


Beans are the best Natural Food to prevent Osteoporosis. It conatins lot of nutrients such as Vitamin D, calcium, fiber and antioxidants. These all nutrients help to maintain your bones healthy and strong.

10. Leaf vegetables:


We all know that green vegetables are very beneficial for you for healthy and good health. Green vegetables like red peppers, mustered green which help in the reduction of osteoporosis symptom. These green vegetable loaded with good nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamin, minerals these nutrients helps you to makes your bones strong.

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