Top 10 Weird Fruits & Vegetables From Around the World

Are you looking for some weird fruits and veggies to try? Well, there are lots of weird fruits and vegetables that are found in the farmer’s market. These fruits smell like dirty gem but also give you a sweet taste. Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World are enrich in providing vitamins and fiber to your body system. You can gain good health once you included these fruits and  Here, we have best lists of weird fruits and vegetables from around the World.Top 10 Weird Fruits & Vegetables From Around the World

Top 10 Weird Fruits & Vegetables From Around the World:

 1. Cherimoya :-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

It is the fruit found in America. It is the most delicious fruit. This fruit is heart shaped structure. You will not be able to find this fruit easily in your nearby store. The outer part of Cherimoya is hard and rough while inside part is soft and creamy. You will love this fruit once you eat it.

 2. Pummelo :-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

A fat free fruit provides nutrition’s to your body. Its taste is sweet and mild grapefruit. Mainly, antioxidant is present in pummelo. In South Asia part, this fruit is available.

 3. Jabuticaba:-

 10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

Unlike other fruits, this fruit grow directly on the trunk and branches of Jabuticaba tree. In Brazil, this fruit is found. Even you can eat this fruit directly or convert it into jelly.

4. Kiwano Melon:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

It grows in South Africa & New Zealand. This fruit contains seeds and jelly like taste which is somewhat has citrousy flavor.

5. Romanesco:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

This veggie looks like a cauliflower or you can say it is broccoli. Regarding its shape, it has bright green colour and perfect spiral over it. As you cook cauliflower, in the same way this veggie can be cooked easily.

6. Ugli fruit:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

It is discovered in the Jamaica. This fruit can be eaten raw or make directly juice of it by extracting it well. It is juicy other than all fruits and has a very sweet taste. Either eat it raw or extract juice from it.

7. Dragon Fruit:-

 10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

This fruit has outer part pink in color having green scales on it. You can gain lot of vitamins and fiber from it. You need to cut it into two halve and with the help of spoon take out the flesh from it. Now, use it for salad purposes.

8. Purple Sweet Potato:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

For providing you with a great source of Vitamins like A, C, E. It gives you a rich and winely taste flavor. You will be surprise to know that how cool is it for your skin.

9. Durian:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

It has a delicious flavour just like banana and vanilla. Many people love or hate this fruit just because of its spiky skin and terrible smell. Just due to its unpleasant odour, it is banned in Singapore.

10. Samphire:-

10 Weird Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World

Samphire can be available in your local farms and food store. You can eat directly or else steam it then eat it. Both rock and marsh varieties you can try.

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