10 Easy Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

Yoga is the perfect key to cultivating a healthy body, peaceful mind and keeps the doctor away. It’s common that everyone is indulging with the challenging daily tasks that one has to perform on his desk of the office. Continuously working is really hectic one and it greatly impacts our nervous system as well as other body organs. Moreover, there are various health problems that one can gain in his or her body such like complications with our digestion systems.

To get rid of these issues, one can go with the Yoga, delivers the life that you love to live by keeping a proper balance of your body. Someone like you easily learns some of the yoga poses that really overcome all the damages that are caused by the desk job. These easy yoga poses greatly works on your inner muscles and gives you relief from any kind of pain, stress and also helpful in improving the digestion and proper circulation in the body.

Easy Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job:-

  1. Tree pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This is one of the most effective exercises. In this pose, you just need to stretch all joints and muscles in your body. Tree pose basically helps you to correct your posture, strengthen your legs, spine, and thighs, improve the balance of your body.

  • Stand erect keeping your spine and neck straight.
  • Place your right foot high up on your left thigh and also keep left leg straight.
  • Raise and inhale your arms over your head.
  • Hold this posture at least for 10 minutes.
  • After that, you can repeat it with the second leg too.


  1. Seated Forward Bend: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

In this yoga pose, you need to stretch spine, hamstrings, and shoulders. Seated forward bend pose will help you to relieve depression, headache, stress and it also soothing anxiety. This is also famous pose to remove the problem of belly fat.

  • To start this pose you just need to sit on the floor.
  • Now you have to extend your legs straight without bending your knees.
  • Inhale your hands in the upward direction.
  • Bend and try to touch your forehead to your knees.
  • Try to keep doing this pose at least 10 to 15 minutes on regular basis.


  1. Mountain pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

If you are a beginner and want to learn yoga then it is the best pose for you. This is the base for all yoga poses and includes major muscles of your body. It helps to improve stability, focus, and confidence, as well as concentration too. Mountain pose will also induce relaxation and reduce the problem of back pain.

  • Stand straight by joining your feet together.
  • Slowly lift your toe and spread them wide and after that place them back on the floor.
  • Breathe and hold for 4 to 6 breaths.
  • Drop and exhale your shoulders back and down.

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  1. Triangle pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This is one of the easy yoga poses to undo the damage caused by desk job. This pose engages all your body parts. Triangle pose helps to improve your digestion, stimulates abdominal organs and relieve symptoms of menopause.

  • Stand straight with your feet apart and right foot 90 degree away from left one.
  • Slowly exhale and inhale while bending your right arm towards the ground.
  • Keep your waist straight and lift your left arm in an upward direction.
  • Take deep breaths and hold this pose for 30 seconds and repeat on another side too.


  1. Warrior pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This Yoga pose is helpful to strengthen back, shoulders and thighs too. This pose serves as a boon and beneficial especially for the pregnant women.

  • You just need to stand straight and turn your right foot out and left in.
  • Lift or inhale your both arms outer ways.
  • Exhale and bend your right knee, and turn your head to look right.
  • Now stretch your arm and push your pelvis down.
  • Hold this position for at least one minute and release.
  • And, repeat this process at least 10 times.


  1. Bridge pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This is another one of easy yoga poses to undo the damage caused by desk job. Bridge pose provides you instant relief from back pain, offers a good stretch to chest and neck. It also helps to strengthen hip flexors, quadriceps and your glutes too.

  • Lie down on your back and fold your knees.
  • Bring feet closer to your bottom.
  • Inhale your bottom and back off to the floor.
  • Put your hips in line with knees and shoulder.
  • Keep breathing and hold for 1 minute.


  1. Downward-facing Dog pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This is an amazing yoga pose to facilitate extra blood flow to the head. Downward facing dog pose stretches your hamstrings and works on the larger muscles of the body.

  • You just need to begin and sit on your heels.
  • Stretch your arm forward and lower your hand in downward direction and raise your buttocks.
  • Now lift your knees and relax your neck muscles.
  • Hold this position for at least 10 breaths.
  • Repeat this pose minimum 5 times on regular basis.

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  1. Child’s pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This pose is basically useful to keep your mind, body and soul calm. Child pose stimulates your digestion, works on lower back and also tones your abdominal organs. This pose basically works as de-stressor and taking off the pressure of lower back.

  • Just kneel and sit down back on your heels.
  • Keep your hips on heels and rolling your torso forward and lowering your head in a downward direction on the floor and also extend your hands forward.
  • Press your thighs against your breath and chest.
  • Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds.
  • Repeat this child pose 20 times daily.


  1. Forward Bend: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This yoga pose is also known as Uttanasana and it is best yoga posture for beginners. Forward bend pose helps to lengthen hamstrings and offers stretch to overall body.

  • To start this pose you gently bend forward from the hip joints.
  • Keep your knees straight and bring your hands downward to the ground.
  • Hold this posture till 5 to 6 breaths and repeat 6 to 7 times daily.

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  1. Cobra Pose: –

Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage Caused by Desk Job

This is one another from easy yoga poses to undo the damage caused by desk job and also to strengthen and lengthen muscles of your body. Cobra pose help to stretches lung and chest, firm the buttocks, stimulates the abdominal organs etc. This pose also helps to soothing sciatica troubles and also useful for treating asthma problems.

  • Lie on the floor with your stomach side, toes flat and joining feet together.
  • Keep your hands down that mean below your shoulders.
  • Lift your waist by raising your head gently.
  • Put your elbows straight and tilt your head back.
  • Now, slowly come back to starting position.

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