15 Useful Health Benefits of Lemon

The small evergreen tree called lemon that is used for both cleaning and health issues. Lemon mainly contains 5-6 percent citric acid that gives a sour taste. It acts as a cleansing agent and also can be used as medicinal problem like aromatherapy.

Lemon contains lots of nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, fiber, potassium and Iron. These all nutrients are very essential for our health that is why lemon is most commonly used for various purposes like skin, health issues. Although, There are many health benefits of lemon which allows us to stay fit. We have made a list of best health benefits of lemon for our readers, don’t forget to share it with your friends as well.

Health Benefits of Lemon15 Useful Health Benefits of Lemon:

1. Weight Loss

How to use lemon water for weight loss? You need to cut one lemon and squeeze it in one full glass of fresh water. You can start your day by drinking fresh lemon juice. Lemon contains Vitamin C. One glass of lemon juice contains 11 calories. It helps you to overcome from many problems like indigestion, constipation, cholera, high blood pressure etc. Drinking level helps in maintain PH level of your body.

2. Antibacterial Properties

Lemon helps us to fight from many kinds of antibacterial properties such as typhoid, malaria; Lemon juice is also beneficial for kidney stones treatment.

3. Hydrate your body

To maintain proper body weight, you must stay hydrated. You should drink 8-10 glasses of fresh water every day. Your body will get detoxify if you drink proper amount of water. Proper Hydration can provide you benefits like it reduces high blood pressure problem, stops high cholesterol, slowing down the aging process.

4. Boost Immune system

Lemon, when added to your daily morning routing can boost your immune system. Lemon has a quality of fighting against cold and helps to control our blood pressure.

5. Sore Throat

You can make juice of lemon, ginger and honey together to get rid from sore throat problem. Take one spoon of crushed ginger and put it into a bowl containing hot water. Boil it for 5 minutes. Add one spoon of lemon juice and honey together to mix it well. For best results you should drink it regularly.

6. Improves Digestion Problem

Lemon helps you to improve digestion problems by removing all the unwanted components and waste materials out of your body. Several symptoms arises due to digestion problem like heartburn, bloating. In order to gain better healthy digestion, lemon is a source that helps in stimulating liver to produce more bile’s that is needed for healthy digestion.

7. Good for Asthma Patients

Drinking lemon juice is very good for asthma patients. Lemon helps in making immune system of a person much better. You can prepare lemon juice by making a mixture of lemon juice, water and small amount of ginger to it. Ginger helps to cure from asthma attack because it contains anti inflammatory properties.

8. Clean Face with lemon

Lemon helps you to treat various type of skin issues. To clean your Face with lemon and avoid many skin related issues you can use the following steps:

  • Prepare a mixture by adding one spoon of yogurt, one lemon and honey as a moisturiser.
  • Moisten soft towel with warm water.
  • Place the towel on your face thus, helps in opening pores of your face
  • Gently, use the above mixture on your cheeks and forehead and keep it at least for 2 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cold water to clean up pores of your face.

9. Freshens your Breath

People suffering from the problem of toothache and gingivitis can be easily cured by drinking lemon water because lemon contains citric acid.

10. Dental Care

You can apply lemon juice on gums, bleeding.  Lemons is highly acidic in nature thus it can clean as well as whiten your teeth part. Many types of toothpaste which are available in market contain lemon as one of its ingredients but they are not very effective. For better results, you can use directly lemon on our teeth.

11. Soothes dry skin

Lemon is used to the etching skin. You can easily get relief from itchy skin by directly applying lemon on your skin.

12. Burns

Lemon juice can help in removing the old scars on your face. The burning sensation which is caused on your skin is reduced by scrubbing the fresh lemon on your burn part.

13. Fever

If you are suffering from fever, cold or cough, you can drink lemon juice that will increasingly help to break out the perspiration.

14. Hair Care

Prepare lemon juice by adding some water to it and then stir it well. You can treat better your hair with this mixture. It will help in removing dandruff or hairs lose and even your hairs can get better shine as well.

15. Maintaining a Healthy Complexion

Wrinkles present on below layer of your eyes can easily be removed by applying or scrubbing lemon on that particular part. If you will use lemon scrub regularly you can get finer skin texture.

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