5 Best Pranayam for Naturally Glowing Skin

Yoga is a technique of breathing, poses, texture, and meditation. That gives relaxation to your body, peace to your mind and relief from so many diseases also. We all know everyone has hectic seclude but, still people doing Yoga daily at home, parks, yoga center etc.  Yoga Pranayama and meditation is very beneficial for naturally glowing skin that supplies more oxygen to your system and regenerates and rejuvenates the skin cells.

There are many Yoga pranayam like Anulom Vilom, kapal bhati, and many more. You can do practice daily at your home to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Here we have described 5 best Pranayam for naturally glowing skin.

5 Best Pranayam for Naturally Glowing Skin:

1. Anulom Vilom:

Anulom Vilom is just a breathing exercise that you can do at your home daily. It improves your blood circulation and provide natural glow to your face. It also improves the working of lungs as well.

girl doing breathing exercises. pranayama and yoga.

How to do Anulom Vilom:

  • Sit in Padmaasna and Close your eyes.
  •  Rest your hands on your knees.
  • Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril, inhale the oxygen as much as you can, this will fill your lungs with air.
  • Remove your thumb from your right nostril, as you remove your thumb from right nostril just exhale.
  • When you exhale use your middle finger to close your left nostril then inhale with our right nostril and remove thumb from right nostril then exhale.
  •  Repeat this process for 5 minutes.
  •  Keep focus in your breathing.

2. Nadi Shodhna Pranayam

Nadi Shohna is same as Anulom Vilom But the only difference is that we hold our breath in Nadi shodhan Pranayam. It is very good and easy tecniuqe of breathing that you can easily practice at your home.


How to do Nadi Shodhna Pranayam:

  • Sit in Padamasana and close you eyes.
  • Place the left hand on the knee, thumb and index finger touching and the other three fingers stretched.
  • Now, Place your middle and index finger of the right hand between the eyebrows, breath in from one nostril while switching the other blocked.
  •  Use your ring finger and thumb to close the inactive nostril.
  • Do this for 5-10 minutes.
  • You should keep in mind that your breathing should be up to the lungs and not in the stomach.

3. Varun Mudra:


You can also strat doing Varun Mundra pranayam to keep your skin healthy and glowing. It helps to balance the water element in your body and prevents all diseases which come due to lack of water. It also makes your face beautiful and make your skin soft and glossy. You should do practice of Varun Mundra daily in the morning for best result.

How to do Varun Mudra:

  • Tip of little finger touches the tip of thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.

4. Bastrika Pranayam:

Bastrika is a Pranayam that helps to throw out toxins and cures illnesses of respiratory lack. It boosts the suplly of oxygen and purifies the blood. And Pure blood is very essential for glowing skin.


How to do Bastrika Pranayam

  • First you have to sit in Vajrasana with your fists clenched
  • Continue forceful breathing for 3 to 5 minutes at a stretch.
  • Beginners can target 1 to 2 minutes and then slowly continue it for longer period.
  • Keep in mind that when you breathe in while performing Bhastrika pranayama, your abdominal should not blow up. Instead your chest area should blow up.
  • Repeat this process for 5 to 10 times.

5. Kapal Bhati:

Kapal means forehead and Bhati means shinning. It is also breathing exercise that provides a flat belly and develop healthy and glowing skin.

kapalbathi : Best Pranayam for Naturally Glowing Skin

How to do Kapal Bhati:

  • Kapal bhati pranayam is very easy to do at your home and park as well.
  • First of all, sit straight with your spine erect and cross your legs in front of you.
  • Take in a deep breath and exhale quickly and suddenly, making a puffing sound while you do it. Focus on exhaling forcefully and not on the inhalation.
  • When you exhale, draw your abdominal muscles inward simultaneously. Your abdomen should rise when you inhale and fold when you exhale.
  • Continue for 10 breaths and then take a break.

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