14 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

Do you know exactly what is core? Many people think that core is just the abdominal muscles. But the core part includes your spine and pelvis. As a beginner, to build your core and make better abs, you should start doing pilates exercises. Pilates exercises is nothing but full- body form exercises that helps you to make your abs better. There are a lots of Benefits for doing Pilates exercises which can improve your body posture,  strength and reduces back pain. Here are 14 best Pilates exercises to build your Core and make better abs.

Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core

14 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs:

  1. Standing Hundred :

 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

You can work better to build your core by doing the exercise named as Standing Hundred. In this exercise, you need to stand on your feet, set your hip-width. Your arms should be at the sides. Palm must face towards the wall that is behind you. Pump forcefully for 10 times and move back and forth for about 3-4 inches. Inhale- Exhale for about 5 times. Now, raise your left leg in front of your body and then continue pumping your arms 10 times.

  1. Plie with Side Lift :

Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

You can work on your core and quads by doing plie with side lift exercise. Stand on your feet extending your arms out to sides. Lift your left leg out to side by keeping your right leg in straight position. Do it 8 times on each leg. Repeat this exercise daily.

  1. Crisscross Reach :

 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

 Crisscross improves your core and abs. Bend your right knee at right angle and your right foot should be about 12. Move your left arm diagonally up and right arm diagonally down. Now, your left hand should be placed behind your head. Your right knee should be placed across your body, left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat these steps and then switch slides.

  1. Sweeping Across :

 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

You need to step your right foot 12 inches. Bend you’re both knees about 90 degree. Your legs should be straight. For better results, repeat these steps daily.

  1. Lift your Chest Move :

 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

Interweave your fingers and place your hands behind   your head. Before doing this exercise, take a deep breath. Now, you are ready to begin the exercise. Twist your upper part of the body towards left side, right elbow towards left knee. Inhale and exhale while changing your sides.

  1. Tap your Toes :

 Best Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

This exercise helps your core and abdomen part to become tighter and not soft. Start this exercise from the one side by lying on floor. Press lower back of your body and your pubic bone towards your belly button. Now, repeat this step for your right leg. Perform 10-12 times for each side.

  1. Fog-Circle Combo :



In order to make your abs better, lay down flat on a mat.  Lifting your left leg up followed by right leg. Then, bending your knees and sliding out your legs out. By doing this exercise, your lower abs will be engaged helping to make your abs better.

  1. Saw :

If you are not good at doing crunches then you can switch over to this exercise named “Saw”. This exercise builds up strength of your body. Firstly, stretch out your right hand followed by your left hand on a mat keeping your arms straight. Try out this procedure for both the hands.

  1. Front & Back kick:



This exercise tones up your effected part of body. Maintain balance on your left foot by keeping your legs straight. Stretch your arms towards the outer position. Kick your legs back. It will stretch your all muscles of your body.

  1. Slide Bend :




Bending your both legs one at each time to the foot. Keeping your arms straight. Repeating it for at least 8 times and then switching to the sides.

  1. Single Leg Circles :



In this exercise, you will learn to keep your abs busy when you are moving your legs. You can try this exercise at your home. Just lay down straight on the mat. Slowly, move your right leg up to the sky. Your left leg and floor must be flat on the floor. Move your right leg back and forth in circular position stopping at your nose. Repeat this procedure for 3 times and then, switch your legs.

  1. Squats :

Pilates Exercises to Build Your Core and Make Better Abs

Squats are a very common exercise that people do to strengthen their body parts. To start this exercise, you need to hold a large dumbbell.  Move your body up and down for about 3-5 seconds. Again, return back to your initial position and repeat this exercise for your abs.

  1. Hip-Dips :




Hip- Dips helps to strengthen your abs by rotating your hips towards the floor. Pause for few seconds and start again from other side. Continue this exercise to make your abs better.

  1. Rolling Like a Ball :


Rolling like a Ball exercise is set for the beginners. It is just a simple way to massage your back muscles.

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