How to Make Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

According to my consideration, How to tackle body odor is an interesting subject that everyone wants to know about. Body odor is an unpleasant smell to your bodies due to scorching heat and humidity. Well we all, know there are so many commercial deodorants are available in market to avoid and treat the odor problem. But do you know these commercial deodorants contain chemical fragrances and aluminium based compounds which may lead you to health diseases like cancer. So, Now Feeling confused what to do?

Do you think that drinking more water and eating healthy food is enough to cut the problem? No, sometimes you need something else or natural options to cut down the odor.  Let’s scroll down because here we have listed some simple ways to make homemade natural deodorant that really works.

Homemade Natural Deodorant

How to Make Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works:-

  • Ingredients needed:-

  1. Baking Soda: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

Well it is an incredible agent to absorb bad odors and smell. Baking soda has anti acid properties which neutralize the pH level and moreover it is a substance works as a fungicide to prevent you from infections.


  1. Coconut oil: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

Coconut oil is edible oil which has ability to remove the odor, helps you to lose weight, fighting with dandruff and gives you some more wonderful benefits.

  1. Shea butter: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

Shea butter works great in homemade beauty products for e.g. soap, lotions, lip balms etc. basically it is a moisturizer that helps to protect the dryness of skin.


  1. Essential oil: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

Essential oils are helping to balance both body and mind. These have antibacterial and psychological benefits to fight with odor causing bacteria and provide you sense of relaxation.


  1. Beeswax: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

Natural wax produce by honey bees and it helps to give a solid feel to deodorant. It is use to relieve pain, lower cholesterol and help with perspiration problem.

  1. Cornstarch: –

Homemade Natural Deodorant

It is basically a maize starch derived from wheat and corns. It is an excellent ingredient to make homemade deodorants.


Steps to Make Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works:-

  • Take 3 tbsp of grated and pellet beeswax in a boiler.
  • Add 2 tbsp of Shea butter to beeswax.
  • Blend it with 1/3 cups of coconut oil and leave it to melt completely.
  • Now remove the container from heat and add 1 tbsp of baking soda to it.
  • Add 1/3 cup of cornstarch to above mixed ingredients.
  • Mix all these ingredients thoroughly until it get smooth.
  • Now turn to mix your favorite essential oil. You just need to add 12-15 drops in mixed ingredients and after that blend the mixture twice or thrice.
  • Now, pour all your homemade mixture into silicon molds and deodorant stick.
  • Now keep it at cool place to settle down for couple of hours.
  • Your deodorant is ready for use. Use it every morning to keep you fresh with amazing fragrance.

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