10 Useful Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

Care of newborn baby is like holding raindrops on leaves. You have to be very alert and handle with care while dealing with a small baby. While taking care of newborn baby, it is very important to be concerned about their skin. The Skin of newborn babies is very sensitive which can be affected by anything like polluted air, dirty hands, bacteria and nonhygienic food etc.

Lots of responsibilities come along with a newborn baby. You have to change your whole lifestyle and become more careful after becoming a mother or father. Newborn children are totally unknown to the outer world so their body cannot adopt the environment quickly. It is the primary duty of parents to protect your child from every possible threat. It is not a simple task; you need to keep many things in mind while taking care of a newborn baby. There are some useful tips which may simplify the complications of becoming parents the first time. Take a look at some points which are listed below.

10 Useful Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

10 Useful Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn Baby:

1. Give only sponge bath:

Taking care of a newborn baby

In the beginning, the umbilical cord is attached to the baby that must be falling down soon after birth. This is the reason why sponge bath is suggested to keep it dry. You may start giving the real bath to your child right after the feeling of an umbilical cord.

2. Hold the baby with extensive care:

Taking care of a newborn baby

A newborn baby has some sensitive organs which start developing after birth. For example, a neck of a baby is a very week which needs lots of care while holding in arms. You should provide proper support to the neck as well as the whole body too.

3. Proper Breast Feeding:

Taking care of a newborn baby

A good latch is very important when it comes to the breastfeeding.  Baby’s tongue, lips, and mouth must cover the nipple and areola both while feeding the baby. Hold the baby facing to breast and tickle their lips with a nipple for proper Breast feeding.

4. Soothing:

Taking care of a newborn baby

You must provide proper soothing to your child by giving comfort when they cry or hug them gently if they feel insecure. Taking care of a newborn baby by soothing them is very important because the whole world is unknown for them either then you.

5. Provide a proper sleeping position:

Taking care of a newborn baby

A good sleeping position is very important while taking care of your child. Make sure that they sleep on the back because it reduces the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). This is the safest position to keep the baby healthy.

6. Body massage:

Taking care of a newborn baby

Give full body massage to your baby to make them healthier and active.  Massage is an important part of taking care of a newborn baby. There are many benefits of massage. It helps to develop flexibility in body and make them sleep properly.

7. Involve the father:

Taking care of a newborn baby

The involvement of the father in taking care of the baby is an essential task. There must be a bonding between father and child because all liabilities cannot be put on the shoulders of the mother only. Ask them to take time off from work schedule and spend it with the child.

8. Apply gentle moisturizers:

Taking care of a newborn baby

As you know that skin of the baby is very sensitive that must be protected from all impacts of the outer world. Use a baby moisturizer for taking care of a newborn baby. It helps to keep the skin from drying due to environmental conditions.

9. Keep your hands always sanitized:

taking care of a newborn baby

Babies are the soft targets for bacteria or virus to attack because of their innocent physique. You must become habitual for the use of hand sanitizer every time to touch them. It will keep them safe from the contact of infections of skin and stomach also.

10. Change the diapers on time always:

Taking care of a newborn baby

While taking care of newborn baby, do not forget about the diaper. Always provide proper hygiene to the child by changing diapers after few hours. Dirty diapers may cause lots of infections and rashes.

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