14 Useful Home Remedies to Cure Boils and Carbuncles on the Body

As Boils and Carbuncles are the skin related problem or you can say that it’s a skin infection. These are caused by the bacteria i.e. Staphylococcus aureus. You can also call boils as furuncles, gives so much pain and looks like a large swollen bump. It mainly appears in some body parts like armpits, neck and face. These issues occur due to sweating or in hairy areas of the body.

If you wish to get rid from boils and carbuncles on the body then you use some home remedies that take care of your skin. These remedies are given below which gives you suitable results within a week. Here we have listed 14 useful home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body.

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

14 Useful Home Remedies to Cure Boils and Carbuncles on the Body:

  1. Tea Tree Oil:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Tea tree oil is healthy oil and protects the skin from pimples and acne. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

How to use:

  • First you should wash the boil with the lukewarm water.
  • Take some drops of tea tree oil and smudge it on the boil.
  • Sometimes it gets irritated than you use it with water and then apply it on the boil.
  • Finally cover the area of boil with cotton
  • Repeat this process everyday till the boil gets remove.

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  1. Turmeric:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Turmeric is one of the best home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body. It is used normally in every remedy related to skin issues. This is an anti-biotic.

How to Prepare:

  • Take 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and 1 cup of warm water in a bowl.
  • Mix it well.
  • Drink this cup of water daily till the boil gets remove.
  1. Onions:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Onions have some various properties like anti-fungal and antiseptic that helps to get rid from boils and carbuncles.

How to Make:

  • Take 2 onions and chop them in large pieces.
  • Take some water and chopped onions in a bowl.
  • Boil it and after that strain the boiled water and let it be cool.
  • Apply this water on the boil and carbuncle.
  • Repeat this method till to get rid from the pain.
  1. Black Seed Oil:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Black seed oil is known as black cumin. This is the best home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

How to Apply:

  • You can add ½ teaspoon of black seed oil with green tea in a cup.
  • Drink it daily at least 2 times a day.
  • Repeat this procedure till boil can remove.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that help to get rid from the boil and give relief from the pain.

How to Use:

  • Take some apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Apply on the boil with the use of cotton ball.
  • Repeat this remedy till boil get removes.
  1. Garlic:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds and one of the home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles. It is mostly used to prevent the skin related infections.

How to Make:

  • Take 2 to 3 garlic cloves.
  • Crush it and add some drops of water to it in a bowl.
  • Make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the boil and wait till it dry at least for 10 minutes.
  • Finally remove the paste with water.
  • Repeat this 2 times a day till the boil get cured.
  1. Neem:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Neem has various properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

How to Prepare:

  • Wash some leaves of neem.
  • Grind it and make a smooth paste.
  • Add few drops of water to it in a paste.
  • Apply it on the boil.
  • Repeat this process at least 2 times a day till you should get feel relief.

8. Potato:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles


Potato is one of the home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles. It is rich in vitamin B and C.

How to Apply:

  • Take 1 potato than wash, peel and grate it.
  • Squeeze out some juice from the pulp.
  • Immerse a cotton ball into the juice and apply gently on the boil.
  • Wait till it soaked into the skin.
  • Repeat this remedy at least 5 times a day to get a relief.
  1. Echinacea:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Echinacea have some special properties such as antiviral, antitumor and antibacterial.

How to Use:

  • You can boil one teaspoon of Echinacea with one cup of water in a bowl.
  • Strain the tea and gently apply it on the boil by using the cotton ball.
  • Repeat this procedure everyday to get relief.
  1. Cumin Seeds:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Cumin seeds are one of the best home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body. This is the most popular spices used as an ingredient in Indian curry.

How to Make:

  • You can crush at least 50 grams of cumin seeds in a bowl.
  • Add some water to it and make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on the boil.
  • Wait till it dries.
  • Repeat this method till the boils get recovered.
  1. Parsley:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Parsley is used to get rid from the boils and carbuncles. This is an herb which has many useful benefits. It helps to remove the irritation which is happened due to boils.

How to Prepare:

  • Boil a handful leaves of parsley with 2 cup of water.
  • Wait it for 5 minutes than cool it.
  • Crush the leaves and apply it on the boils.
  • Repeat this remedy till to get good results.

 12. Castor Oil:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Castor oil is one of the home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body. This is extracted from the castor plant.

How to Apply:

  • You can dip a cotton ball in a castor oil.
  • Apply it on the boil.
  • You can secure it with the use of bandage on it.
  • Next morning wash it with the normal water.
  1. Warm Epsom Salt Bath:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Warm Epsom salt bath is not only used for the cracked heels also used for the boils and carbuncles.

How to Use:

  • You can add 2 cups of Epsom salt to the half filled warm water bath tub.
  • You can soak the infected area in the water for few minutes.
  • Finally come out and repeat this method daily to get rid from boils and carbuncles.
  1. Warm Compress:

home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles

Warm compress is one of the best home remedies to cure boils and carbuncles on the body.

How to Make:

  • First of all clean the boil with lukewarm water.
  • You can add 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 liters of warm water to it in a bowl.
  • After that you can stir well.
  • By using a wet cloth and give a warm compress to the boils or carbuncles.
  • Repeat this procedure till boils get cured completely.

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