Top 15 Home Remedies to Eliminate Foot odor

Do you know about the foot odor? Foot odor is such an embarrassing issue also known as bromhidrosis. Nowadays, many of the peoples suffer from this problem. The two main factors which mainly contribute to this problem are bacteria and sweating. Some of you think, sweat itself lead to foot order but it’s not true. There are bacteria which grow in sweat causes foul smell by feed on the dead skin cells of feet. You sweat more when you are a pregnant woman or teenagers, sometimes when hormonal changes take place in body. It can also cause in the diabetes or heart patients due to adequate circulation. But Regular exfoliation and scrubbing are easiest way to get rid of dead skin cells and plays a good role to keep your feet at freshly smell.  Here we have discussed tested home remedies to eliminate food odor which keeps your feet odorless and fresh.

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Top 15 Home Remedies to Eliminate Foot odor:-

1. Vinegar solution: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Do you think vinegar is alkaline? No, it’s just creating an acidic environment when you soak your feet into water. Regular use of apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies to eliminate food odor.

  • Put some warm water in basin.
  • Add some thyme oil and vinegar to it.
  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes for good results.

 2. Baking soda: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Baking soda is an effective remedy to eliminate foot odor. As we already mentioned, perspiration and sweating are main factors for causing foot odor problem. So, baking soda is amazing home remedy to treat and neutralize pH of perspiration and sweat.

  • Add it to warm water and dip your feet for 15 mintues.
  • For more you can sprinkle baking soda in your shoes and socks before wear wearing them.

 3. Wash with antibacterial soap: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Try to make proper hygiene on daily basis. This is very easier and natural way to cure foot odor at home. Wash your feet daily with deodorant soaps or warm water to remove foul smell. It also helps to avoid infections and give you moisturized feet.

 4. Epsom salt: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Epsom salt is a natural salt with mineral compounds of sulphate and magnesium with so much beneficial effects. If you want to achieve soft and smooth skin, Epsom salt is one of the best home remedies to eliminate foot odor because it fights with microbial infections.

 5. Lavender oil to cure: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Well, lavender oil is pleasantly antibacterial and aromatic. It is not only to provide you fragrance but it helps to kill bacteria as well. It is also used to heal broken skin like cracked heels and blisters.

 6. Black tea: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Black tea has anti-oxidant properties not only refreshes your feet but helps to eliminate bacteria which cause foot odor. It has also astringent properties that help to close &shrink the pores of your feet.

  •  Boil 3 cups of water and put 2 tea bags into it, till it gets strong.
  • Add half bucket water to this mixture to lower the temperature.
  • Soak your feet to this solution for incredible results.

 7. Ginger Use: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Ginger is an effective solution helps to remove toxins and inhibits bacteria growth. Many researchers said, Ginger has fighting agents and so many beneficial properties that combat infections.

  • Steep the ginger into hot water for 10 minutes and filter the solution.
  • Gently massage with this smooth liquid solution before sleeping.

 8. Sugar scrub: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Sugar scrub is a homemade scrub use to remove dead skin cells and also prevent your feet from the formation of calluses. Do you know how we can make it? Read the following steps:-

  • To create a thick and grainy mixture use isopropyl alcohol with sugar and water.
  • Apply this scrub to your feet for 10 minutes and after that wash it with water.

 9. Zinc rich foods: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

If you have dry and scaly feet then it is probably sure that you are suffering from zinc deficiency. Zinc rich foods and supplements have some beneficial properties to cure your smelly feet. Because lack of zinc supplements make your skin unhealthy and also affects your immune system. E.g. of foods rich in zinc are dairy products, wheat germ, nuts and mushrooms and many more.

 10. Alum to eliminate: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Alum is one of most effecting home remedies to eliminate foot odor. It has long term effects for pickling and it can be found in form of powder or crystal. It helps to contract sweat glands because it is basically a component of deodorants.

 11. Sage leaves to get rid of foot odor: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Sage leaves are basically used as herb which has medical properties to reduce excessive sweating. It is highly astringent tannic acid which makes skin contract blood vessels. How to apply?

  •  Put dried sage leaves to hot water.
  • Let them steep for 15 minutes.
  • Apply this mixture when it gets temporarily warm.

 12. Mind your socks: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Wear a fresh pair of socks daily to keep your feet fresh. This remedy doesn’t need many efforts. Synthetic and nylon socks pair traps the moisture and cause foot odor. If you care your socks pair and shoes properly then chances of foot odor will decrease for sure.

 13. Borax: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Borax has disinfectant properties that kill bacteria of foot odor. It has also antiseptic properties which help to cure various diseases such as athlete feet. You can sprinkle borax powder into shoes to remove abdominal smell.

 14. Radish for foot odor: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Radish is used to heal skin disorders and also encourage proliferation of bacteria. For best results squeeze the juice from 5-6 radishes and mix it to warm water to wash your feet. You can also create a scrub combining lemon, ginger and radish paste.

 15. Tea tree oil: –

home remedies to eliminate foot odor

Tea tree oil is extremely beneficial to treat so many skin diseases. This is one of amazing home remedies to eliminate foot odor, fungal infections and to neutralize foot odor problems. You can apply it directly to the skin or combined it with water.

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