10 Common Treadmill Mistakes We Make

Treadmill is the fitness equipment that is used by almost all the people. Well, people are using but they are not aware about the mistakes that they usually make it while performing out the workout using treadmill. You can avoid those treadmill mistakes by applying proper use of treadmill. Here, we have common treadmill Mistakes that we make.

10 Common Treadmill Mistakes We Make:

  1. Different day but same workout :

Common Treadmill Mistakes We Make

Doing the same workout daily does not lead your workout in an efficient way. You must make a plan, schedule your workout activities. Different exercises must be done on different day.

  1. You slap your feet down:

slpa-feet Common Treadmill Mistakes

People do workout but they don’t know that common mistake they do is slapping their feet down. This causes muscle pain.

  1. Skipping your Warm Up:

warm-up Common Treadmill Mistakes

This is the very common mistake which generally people do by skipping warm up. Some people are in a hurry of losing weight by doing workout. But missing out the warm out doesn’t lead to the efficient treadmill.

  1. Wearing the wrong Shoes :

shoes Common Treadmill Mistakes

Shoes that needed during treadmill must be proper cushioned to prevent you from injury. Look for the shoes that must be extra padded in the soles.

  1. Over-Workout:

over-workout Common Treadmill Mistakes

Over-Workout may cause weakness and muscle pain in your body. For the fitness of your body, moderate workout should be done.

  1. Leaning Forward :

leaning forward Common Treadmill Mistakes

While leaning, you must bend your body equally from both the sides. If you tend to lean your body part more on one side then it may cause you fracture or any type of injury. Try out to maintain perfect posture by slowing down your treadmill speed.

  1. Over-Controlling your Breathing :


Always try to keep your breathe control while doing treadmill exercises.

  1. Your arms are all over the place :

Common Treadmill Mistakes

You must keep your arms by the side while running. IF you are in a habitual of swinging your arms then, avoid it. It is not efficient as it will reduce your tendency of doing workout more.

  1. Bad Strides :

bad strides Common Treadmill Mistakes

If you are going to do the strides then you must start it at low speed.  Then, start increasing your speed day by day. This will not cause you injuries. You will easily maintain your balance if you are starting from the low speed.

  1. Holding on Bars:

holding on bars Common Treadmill Mistakes

Holding on Bars is a common mistake that is made by most of the people. While doing workout, you must balance your own body instead of holding on Bars. By doing this, it will burn your calories more.

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