Everything You Need to Know about Acne and its Home Remedies

Acne is very common disorder in both young boys and girls. So, you should know about an Acne and its Home Remedies. Acne occurs when the pores of skin become clogged or blocked, it catches skin oil inside. Bactria grows in this oil and can cause inflammatory response. Acne most often on the face but it can also appear on back and neck as well.

We can also say that Acne or pimple is small papule. They are small lesions of skin and developed when sebaceous gland become infected. They are red lesions filled with pus and also called spots.

People have many types of Acne and have different sign and symptoms such as white heads, blackheads, pustule, cysts and pupils. Acne also leads to anxiety, loss confidence, depressions and negative thoughts as well.

So, instead of using expensive product, you should learn how to get rid from acne problem by using Home Remedies. Here we described about Acne and its Home Remedies.

Acne and its Home Remedies

Everything You Need to Know about Acne and its Home Remedies:

  1. Mint:


Mint is one of a best treatment for acne problem. It can help to remove pore clogged oils from skin. You can get rid from your acne problem.

You just have to take 2 tablespoon mint powder with 2 table spoon yogurt and oatmeal. Make a mixture of these natural remedies. Apply on your skin for 10 minutes and rinse off with water

  1. Echinacea:


Echinacea is very powerful home remedy; it is used to speed wound healing. It has antibacterial and inflammatory properties. You can use Echinacea tea as face daily face wash by soaking cloth in it.

  1. Chamomile:


Chamomile is very beneficial to get rid from acne problem. It helps to decrease inflammation from acne. In coffee grander, combine chamomiles tea bag with warm water according to your need and make a paste. Apply this paste on your acne.

  1. Witch Hazel:

Witch Hazel

You can use witch hazel for your acne treatment. You can use pour hazel into a cotton ball and wash your face in the morning.

  1. Lemon


Lemon is a very good home remedy for acne. It is skin lighteners and prevents pimples on face. You can use lemon by using dipped cotton into lemon juice and apply on your face.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

    Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce the acne problem. You can mix apple acrider vinegar into water, and apply to skin with a cotton ball, making sure to shake well before each use.

  1. Cucumber:


Cucumber is very good for acne problem you can apply cucumber on you face for 15 minutes.  Wash your face after 15 minutes.

  1. Honey:

Best Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is considered as one of the best remedy that can be used for both personal and medical use both. It is also very helpful for acne problem. What you can do is that wash your face with warm water first than use honey mask on face. After 10 minutes rinse off with water.

  1. Get some sleep:

Get some sleep

When get proper sleep it will help you to reduce your stress hormones such as cortisol and help reduce your acne as well.

  1. Omega 3 acid:

    Omega 3 acid


You can easily get rid from your acne problem by taking a nutrient capsule that is containing fish oil, flax seeds, and albacore.

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