10 Things That Are Actually Damaging Your Kidneys

The kidney is one of the essential parts of your body which has two bean-shaped organs. It is located in the upper abdominal cavity which is against the back muscles below the rib cage. It is placed on each side of the spine. Have you ever attended the Yoga classes? If yes, then you have also listened about one instruction i.e. “Breathe into your kidneys”. It is so because kidneys are very important for your life. Many people are suffering from the kidney diseases due to some food products. Are you the one? If it is true then detoxifying your body is very important for your kidneys so that you need to remove harmful food products. Do you have any knowledge regarding the things that damaging your kidneys? So, we have compiled here the list of things that damaging your kidneys.

things that damaging your kidneys

10 Things that are actually damaging Your Kidneys:

1. Alcohol:

things that damaging your kidneys

As if you are drinking in a limit just 1 or 2 drinks that are enough for your health. But if you are drinking too much then the problem arises for your kidneys. In most of the cases, you need to avoid it so that you can’t suffer. Drinking alcohol comes under one of the bad habits.

 2. Caffeine:

things that damaging your kidneys

Caffeine is one of the things that damaging your kidneys. It especially includes in coffee which is not good for your kidneys. You need to avoid it. It also included in soda, tea, and some other food products.

3. Dairy Products:

things that damaging your kidneys

Dairy products are very beneficial for the health because they are a good source of proteins. But the person who is suffering from the kidneys problem will need to avoid it. Because it is going to excrete the calcium level more in urine which is the sign of danger. So, if you are suffering from this disease avoid dairy products.

4. Artificial Sweeteners:

things that damaging your kidneys

Artificial sweeteners are one of the things that damaging your kidneys. Well, these are very good in taste but harm your body. It has a bad impact on your body. You need to skip it and use stevia or honey to your food.

   5. Table Salt:

things that damaging your kidneys

As your body need some small amount of sodium to maintain the balance of fluid. But if you are taking an excess amount of salt, it’ll cause damaging to your kidneys.

6. Carbonated Beverages:

things that damaging your kidneys

Carbonated beverages are one of the things that damaging your kidneys. It is in the form of energy drinks and sodas. Due to this many people have to suffer from the kidney diseases and kidney stones.

7. Intake less Water:

things that damaging your kidneys

If you aren’t drinking more water in a whole day then you might be suffering from this problem. Water is essential for your health. It also saves you with the dehydration problem.

8. Smoking:

things that damaging your kidneys

Smoking is one of the things that damaging your kidneys. It gave a bad impact on heart and liver, so, must need to avoid it. Many of the diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes are happened due to smoking.

9. Meat:

things that damaging your kidneys

Meat is very healthier for your health but unhealthy for the people suffering from the kidneys diseases. It increases the rate of urinary stones in your body. So, you just need to avoid it.

10. Genetically Modified Foods:

things that damaging your kidneys

Genetically modified foods are one of the things that damaging your kidneys. Due to a high level of oxalates, many people are suffering from kidneys problem. These foods are including with like concord grapes, sweet potatoes, summer squash and many other. So, it is very difficult for you to consume. Just avoid it.

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