10 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips and to Help Relieve Pain

As everybody knows exercise is important in our daily lives, but no one knows why and what an exercise do for us. Doing exercise on daily basis can boost the energy level of individual and also help to improve the mood. There are lots of benefits of getting the right amount of exercises to Strengthen Your Hips on daily basis including enhance the immunity system, improve brain function, increase energy level, improve muscle strength etc.

Exercises to strengthen hips are important because weak hip can lead to an ankle or foot injury, causing knees and antalgic gait. Keeping hip a stir is important for overall hip function and athletic performance. Hip mobility refers to the ability of your joints to move through a pain-free unrestricted range of motion. Exercise is the best way to make your hips flexible. Here are 10 easy exercises to strengthen your hips and to relieve pain are listed below. The exercises are simple and easy that one can perform by following some instructions.

10 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips and to Help Relieve Pain

10 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips and to Help Relieve Pain:-

  1. Lying Lateral Leg Raise:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This exercise falls under the category of calisthenics exercises. Workout of lateral leg raise helps you in strengthening your hips. To start this exercise, lie down on your side and support your upper body with your elbow. Now lift your leg up as far as you can and keep in mind to keep it straight while lifting. Hold for some second and bring your leg down slowly so that it is in line with the other leg. You should have to complete 10-15 repetitions with that leg. After completing, roll over to other side and repeat with another leg. You should practice this every day to strengthen your hips and get rid of the pain.


  1. Standing Hip Shifts:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This is one of the best exercises to strengthen your hips and reduce pain. The exercise encourages hip mobility and support, strengthening your gluteus medius and stretch both the deep muscle of the spine as well as the back. Stand near a support to keep yourself from falling until your balance improves. Raise one leg and hold it up unassisted. Raise it slowly and as high as possible. Keep your hip raised for 1 to 10 seconds. After few seconds return to the rest position and repeat same steps with another leg.

  1. The Clam:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This work on balancing the muscular effort between your inner and outer thighs. While doing this exercise keep your body completely still as you have to lift and lower your leg only. Lie on one side and bend your knees at ninety degrees. And bring your heels together in line with your bottom and lift the leg to open knees and hold for 15 seconds. Back to the rest position and repeat the same steps on another side at least 15 times.


  1. Marching Glute Bridge:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

You need to follow some instruction to perform these exercises to strengthen your hips. You have to lie down on your back and bring your feet close toward your bottom. Lift your bottom slowly by pushing through your feet. While doing this exercise tighten your glutes and hamstrings and make sure your hips are in line with shoulders and knees. Now lift your one knee toward your chest for few seconds. After some seconds, return your foot to the floor and lift the other knee. You should repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times a day.

  1. Seated Butterfly Stretch:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

The exercise is one of the simplest stretches and works on your hips, lower back and thighs to strength muscles. You have to sit on the floor with both legs in front of you. Bend your knees and point outward to bring the sole of your feet together. Now hold the ankles and pull your feet close to your body as you can. Make sure your back is straight while doing exercise. You should practice these exercises to strengthen hips, 15 to 20 times a day.


  1. Planking:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

Planking with strengthening abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. There are lots of benefits of doing this exercise like toned belly, flexibility, reduce back pain, improve your mood, boost overall metabolism and much Start this exercise with your hands and knees on the floor and back straight. Now raise one leg off the floor with the knee slightly bent. Hold this position for few seconds and back to starting position slowly. You should also raise one leg and opposite arm at the same time. Repeat the same instructions for another leg.

  1. The Hip Drop/ Set Up:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This is one of the best exercises to strengthen your hips and get rid of the pain. You need stepper to do the exercise and can also practice this by climbing up and down the stairs. You have to place your one foot on the stepper and step with your weight placed on the center of your foot. Now push your hip back and stand up straight. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and then push your hip back again. Lower your trailing foot to the floor and repeat with another leg.


  1. Lying Hip Extension:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This is a good exercise for strengthening muscles. You have to follow some instructions to do exercise. You have to lie down on your stomach and keep your knees straight. Lift your leg with bottom muscles and make sure your legs and knees are straight. You can repeat the exercise 10 times every day on each leg.


  1. Lateral Squat:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

This is one of the exercises to strengthen your hips. You have to stand with you feet approximately double shoulder width apart. After this shift your weight to one side and drop your hips down and back. Pause for 5 seconds and return to the starting position and repeat the same steps to the other side.


  1. Lying Leg Circles:

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

The exercise will work on hip flexors to promote flexibility, strength, and mobility in muscles. You have to lie down on your back and to extend legs straight out. Raise your leg to about 3 inches off the ground and make small circles. Turn to the next leg and repeat the process.

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