5 Useful Health Benefits of Mushrooms

5 Useful Health Benefits of Mushrooms

We have lot of healthiest foods in the world such as cabbage, garlic, Avocados, Broccoli, Blueberries and Mushrooms. Mushrooms are the food that belongs to the fungi kingdom. Although it is not a vegetable, but mushrooms provide you many nutrients such as Vitamin, minerals, and folate. These all nutrients cure you from many diseases like … Read more

How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally with Diet and Home Remedies

How to Improve Your Hair Color Naturally with Diet

There are various factors that contribute to graying hair. The main reason lies in decreased Melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is a natural substance which occurs to body and creat the pigment in our skin, hair. This natural substance provides a natural color to your hair. But as you age, melanin production slows, … Read more

10 Useful Remedies to Overcome Jet Lag and Excessive Sleepiness


Jet lag disorder is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Symptoms of Jet Lag disorder such as Insomnia, digestive disorder, Daytime fatigue, headache, Muscle soreness, anxiety, dizziness and memory loss. You can easily beat the Jet Lag disorder by using best remedies. So, here we have … Read more

10 Common Treadmill Mistakes We Make

Common Treadmill Mistakes

Treadmill is the fitness equipment that is used by almost all the people. Well, people are using but they are not aware about the mistakes that they usually make it while performing out the workout using treadmill. You can avoid those treadmill mistakes by applying proper use of treadmill. Here, we have common treadmill Mistakes … Read more

9 Mistakes you’re making on Your Weight Loss Journey

over exercising

Losing the extra body-fat is simple especially when we have the proper knowledge. Yet most women and men make various mistakes during their journey to cut the extra layer of fat. So, we like to share Nine Mistakes you’re making on Your Weight Loss Journey. 9 Mistakes you’re making on Your Weight Loss Journey Skipping Breakfast: In … Read more

Can Baking Soda Remove Tartar? Can lemon remove tartar? Does coconut oil remove tartar? Can heavy tartar be removed? Quick Rinses to Fight Tartar!